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Cultural Tours

A holiday here would not be complete without a Kenya cultural tour. Stay in Samburu-owned camp and go out on bush walks and game drives with local guides – discovering as much about them as you do about the wildlife. Enjoy traditional music and dance around a campfire – or discussions on tribal traditions and ways of life. Alternatively, warrior training sessions will get you throwing spears, fighting with sticks and using bows and arrows. Although your cultural tour of Africa may include any of the native peoples, the two most commonly experienced in Kenya are the Maasai and Samburu, the primary tribes in who have kept their traditions intact. Anthropologists and other scientists believe that both tribes share a common ancestry. The Maasai and Samburu follow a nomadic pastoral lifestyle that is deeply rooted in nature. They do not hunt wildlife for food. Instead, their sustenance historically has included milk and their treasured cattle blood and meat, and sometimes preferred roots and plants. More recently these tribes have turned to agriculture to support their villages. During your Kenya trip, you will meet members of the Maasai and Samburu tribes in their villages or at many of the accommodations in the country. You see just a hint of their cultures while listening to traditional songs around the campfire and watching demonstrations of their dances. Your village visit may be enhanced with a personal meeting with the elders who gladly share their wisdom. You may also be invited to participate in a traditional wedding, other rites of passage e.g. warrior ceremonies or watch the village women create the intricate beaded jewelry for which both tribes are known. Other cultures that you may interact with are the Swahilis in their small coastal towns. The Kenya beach areas are also near many of their ancient settlements and ruins. Another intriguing tribe in Kenya are the Turkana, Rendille and Pokot at lakeside shores of Turkana, home to the Cradle of Mankind, alongside the smallest tribe in Kenya – El Molo, and AfricanMecca can take you close to their outlandish traditions and lifestyle. .

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